I have been studying lung cancer genetics for over 15 years, since the start of my scientific career. I have been involved in the identification and functional characterization of genes and genetic variants associated with the development or progression of lung cancer, focusing on adenocarcinoma histotype. In particular, I have carried out genome-wide association studies (GWAS), using genotyping data obtained by SNP-array, I performed in vitro functional assays to test the effects of different allelic variants in coding or regulatory regions and I conducted analyses for the identification of quantitative expression trait loci (eQTLs), combining transcriptomic and genomic data. In recent years, I have extended my interests to pharmacogenetics/pharmacogenomics, particularly in the field of smoking cessation therapies and opioid therapy for cancer pain. In addition, I have also recently started working on pharmacogenomics of immune checkpoint inhibitors in patients with advanced lung cancer. I have extensive technical skills in cell-molecular biology and statistics competence. I also have experience in research management (e.g. planning experiments, coordinating collaborators). I currently collaborate with several clinicians, including medical oncologists, pneumologists and palliative care experts.
Interest areas
Cancer genetics Genetic epidemiology Population genetics Pharmacogenetics/Pharmacogenomics Transcriptomics Molecular oncology
E-mail: francesca.colombo@itb.cnr.it
International IDs
Scopus Author ID: 24402710900
WoS Researcher ID: Q-5292-2019
Orcid ID: 0000-0003-2015-4317
Research products
Other info & publications here: francesca.colombo