On-Line since 1996, I got my degree in Computer Science in the Alma Mater Studioum "Università di Bologna" defending a thesys on "Functionalities and portability of Operating Systems on Mobile Platforms". During studies and immediately after the degree I've teached Informatics and also had some ICT consultancy experiences in Public Officies and small legal / architectural / medical studios. In January 2007 I begun my experience in Bari's unit of Italy's National Council of Research (CNR) Institute for Biomedical Technologies has a fellow researcher. Later on as a technician. Since Feb. 2018 I've got a permaent position as Technical Collaborator in the Institute. As of 2019 I've begun my role and duties ad the ICT manager of Bari's Unit and I am a member of the ICT team of Bari's Research Area of CNR.
Interest areas
Installation, configuration, management and integration of informatics systems. Knowledge management, workflow efficiency,
E-mail: nicola.losito@cnr.it
E-mail: nicola.losito@ba.itb.cnr.it
Phone: +390805929666
International IDs
Orcid ID: 0000-0002-2991-4848
LinkedIn: in/nicolalosito/
Research Gate: Nicola_Losito
Research products
Other info & publications here: nicola.losito