She has accumulated a great experience in molecular biology and biotechnology, focusing her attention especially on microarray platforms, NGS and Single-cell Sequencing in the field of Genomics, Trascriptomics and Metagenomics. He is involeved in: - Single-cell sequencing activity by 10X Genomics platform for the characterization of the molecular states of individual cells through their transcriptional profiles. This approach, differently from the in "bulk" RNA-seq, allows studying cell-to-cell variability in terms of transcriptomic dynamics and cellular heterogeneity. - Ultra-massive sequencing activity, by Illumina and Roche platforms, of °metagenomes [Human Microbiome (Gut, Oral, Nasal, Vaginal and Rectal Microbiome); Animal Microbiome (GM studies in model mice; GM exploration in bottlenose dolphins as peculiar GM-host configuration); Environmental Microbiome (water safety assessment tools, soil crusts) °eukaryotic and prokaryotic transcriptomes °entire prokaryotic genomes °particular regions of interest in human genomes in relation to diseases Good communication skills are gained during didactic and academic activities in participation of National and International Congresses, in organization of National Congresses, during lessons to students from Universities and PhD Schools. Organizational, managerial skills and independent management capacities are acquired as Coordinator and Member of Unit in different Projects financed by Italian Ministry of University and Research, European Community, Cariplo foundation and Regione Lombardia with great capacity to work in team, in the preparation of technical reports and reports to describe the progress of the works or to contribute to the allocation of funds for national and / or international projects of Research and in writing of scientific manuscripts on the basis of the experimental data obtained.
Interest areas
Omics technologies: Genomics, Trascriptomics, Metagenomics applied in different fields (human diseases; study of microorganisms)
Phone: 0226422764
International IDs
Scopus Author ID: 6603386746
Orcid ID: 0000-0002-9328-9557
Research Gate:
Research products
Other info & publications here: clarissa.consolandi