"Cell communication in cancer development" Igea D'Agnano is PhD, expert in molecular and cellular experimental oncology, with high expertise in flow cytometry. 1986 Master Degree in Biological Sciences. 1991 Specialization in Clinical Pathology. Researcher CNR (1992-2005). Since 2006 Senior Scientist CNR. 1992 Visiting Scientist at Jefferson Cancer Institute, Philadelphia, USA. For many years, she focused her studies on new antitumor therapeutic strategies using synthetic molecules such as antisense oligonucleotides and mimetic oligopeptides directed towards the MYC oncogene. Since 2006 she has studied the role of the LMNA gene in the differentiation and progression of tumors of the nervous system. Since 2012 her research interests are focused on the study of circulating microRNAs and extracellular vesicles as mediators in cell-to-cell communication in order to identify biomarkers of early diagnosis in tumors. She is an expert in applying Flow Cytometry to the study of the cell cycle, apoptosis and extracellular vesicles. She served as member of the executive board of the Italian Society of Cytometry (2010-2016). She served as Associate Editor for the scientific journal Cell Death Discovery (CDD press/Nature). She serves as Associate Editor for the scientific journal Biomedicines (MDPI). Igea D'Agnano obtained various funding on projects focused on the study of tumor progression mechanisms aimed at identifying biomarkers and therapeutic targets, from CNR, MIUR, Ministry of Health. She has published over 60 scientific papers in peer-reviewed international journals.
Interest areas
Experimental oncology - gene expression - cell-to-cell communication - microRNAs - extracellular vesicles
E-mail: igea.dagnano@cnr.it
Phone: 02-26422 712
International IDs
Scopus Author ID: 7003839649
WoS Researcher ID: AAR-7282-2020
Orcid ID: 0000-0002-2646-9224
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Igea_DAgnano
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.it/citations?hl=it&user=iir0-8wAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate
Research products
Other info & publications here: igea.dagnano